
Join Surreal

Oh, aren't you just the coolest?

Before we start, there's something you should know

At Surreal, we have an activity requirement whereby you must attend an event at least once in 90 days to maintain your membership. Though we'd much prefer more activity than that, we understand life gets busy. We much prefer engaged members with a will to build the community, so please keep this in mind!

Become a Surrealian in Three Steps.

  • Requirements
  • Register
  • Apply
  • Meet Our Requirements

    Before applying, make sure you meet our requirements:

    At least 1000 Overall.
    Be cool, and community focused.

    Wait. That's it? Who likes overbearing requirements? Not us!

  • Register on our Forums

    In order to have a Surreal Account, you'll need to register on our official forums. Don't worry, it's super easy! Follow the link below, fill out the registration form, and don't forget to confirm your email.

    Create Account
  • Submit your Application

    Once you have a forum account, and you've managed to sign in - simply fill out our application form by clicking the button below.

    Application Form

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